Saturday, October 01, 2005

COMMUNUTTY-NITE (My first Award from MS)

Date: sep 29

Venue: Hotel Grand Ashoka

Event: CommuNutty -Nite

Hmmm What a day it was????
Well there are various reasons for that......
but let me recollect the start of the event....

Oh ya the Event was conducted for an interaction between the studentchamps and JOE WILSON the man behind IMAGINE CUP contests of MS.

Sunil made a gr8 entrance by doing the "Steve Balmer- monket act", followed by Garima's M/C'ing.

We had to talk about our events and contests and works of our BDNS community,
which was called communutty that nyt.

I gave a speech on "DATE WITH DOTNET" event.
It turned out well ... the funniest part was garima introduced me to the crowd saying that i was gonna talk abt my first date..........

Oh gosh i was all blushing for a sec...
then was alryt......

Hmm here comes the best part.
I was given an awrd ".NUT "award.
The goodies -> licensed SP2 and updates of XP and student kit, and INETA t-shirt, and.........
oh ya a MS time piece its so cute....
oh god... it was quite shocking....
the gr8 Joe wilson himself gave it to me...

Hmm well my friends shreenath,garima,abhinav,bhaskar were also given awards.

It was such a nice moment.

Our day ended with good chat with our alumni - champs -> sabarish and Ghanshyam...
They were pulling my leg asking abt my dates and bf's.
unfortunately we gals were caught redhanded discussing about Gf-Bf issues....

The look in Ghanshyams and Sab's face was so funny.
They have misunderstood us (gals) properly... ... well let them carry on....hahahahaha.............

We had a good dinner and took off..

This is one of the day which i cannot forget....