Kurumgad Island -Karwar Trip
After being exhausted and bored with our monotonous work , and since we believe in this slogan – “Work Hard , Party Harder” .
Our Team decided to go for a trip again this time for an island….. yeah sounds cool ryt….
It turned out to be one hell of an exhilarating trip I have ever gone for …..
We decided to go to KurumGad Island ,a 45 mins ferry ride from Karwar near Mangalore , which is a port town on the banks of Kali Nadi River .

This is the site…
Altogether we were 70 of them, and were split into 4 groups of 15 each and the rest 10 were Team building team.
The four teams had one lead each leading them , and I was the Lead for my team hee hee...
It was great being a Lead to several big shots in my team . I was a Team leader for 2 days.
The 4 teams were – Island Brigadiers, Tremendous 12, C-Rockers, DNA(Do Not Ask ),
Our Team name was DNA ….. Do Not Ask us why we opted that name……
Our points were calculated based on how each team assembled , collaborated, participated, mingled each and everything.
We took off on Friday evening @7.30 PM in 2 luxurious buses carrying 35 ppl on board each.
After lots of shor and hungama for 2 hours in bus we reached A1 Plaza which was Reliance Group’s restaurant had good dinner and started again.
It was a long drive to Karwar , it was supposed to take 10 hrs but we took almost 14 hrs cos of the small breaks which we took in between , had nice time in bus .singing aloud and stuff. Whoever dared to sleep were disturbed with whistles and slogans J
I however managed to fall asleep when I woke up the next day I cudnt believe my eyes the sight was splendid , we were going down a hill …. Covered with lush green trees and bushes , it was a marvelous site .

I woke up everybody next to me all were wonder struck ………..
Few mins from then we cud see the mangalore beach , we reached karwar in other 1.5 hours . we reached at 10 AM on the Karwar Port .
We took a ferry and reached Kurumgad island , we could see the meeting place of Kali nadi and Arabian sea , ( blue-green mix) it was too good.

We reached the island, at about 11 AM were very tired. Just barged in to our tents and cottages and took a quick shower and assembled back again to celebrate one of our seniors Bday party. It was a surpise for him we had made arrangements and had decorated his cottage as well where he was gonna spend a day with his wife …hmmm how romantic.
We then had our breakfast and started off with lotsof games like..Queen of Sheeba – where the “Most Demanding Queen “ on this earth would demand for all weird things and all our 4 teams shud set out and get her demands.

Some of her demands were like – 5 diffrnt kind of flowers, blue,pink,white rings, 4 LG Mobiles and stuff…..
And the other game was PonyTail competition , where the first round was gals tying pony tails to boys and the second round was vice versa.
We then played the Baloon-Blow until it bursts competition ….it was very funny…..
Then we were asked to pick a chit each for the late nyt Bonfire party now itself so that we get time to practice…
Team A- picked up Group Song, Team B – Skit ,Team C- fashion Show , Team D – Group Dance (J my team).
We all then changed to our Beach attire cos we were gonna hit the beach in some time.
We then reached the beach wow wat a splendind sight again the view from cliffs and other places which we have captured in our shots are extremely breath taking .

In the beach I cudnt stop myself from playing in the beach , and now u wont believe me being a lead I was being controlled by my team mates J … cos I was refusing to come out of the beach J
U know……I cudnt help It was tat good…. It was like that Cast Away movie island so clear and so good .
We then played Tug Of Wars which was real fun , at the end of all
the Team A,B,C,D competition we had a round where Gals Vs Boys was held….
Guess who won…………..
naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa not boys it was we the simplest and sweetest creations of God - Gals who won the Tug Of War’s…..
And then we played another game which was so tiring, “Filling the Bottle with water” …not as simple as it sounds so….
The bottle was placed few mts away from beach, 10 ppl standing alternatively for each team.
The person near the beach should collect water in his palm and pass it to the next it continues and the person near the bottle should pour the contents in to the bottle…. By the time the water is passed from each and every ones hand it wud spill and hence took lot of time….
We then played “Art of Entangling “ , each team would be in a big knot formed by holding left hand of one person to right hand of the third person .
We were supposed to entangle and form one big circle without leaving of our hands.

Tat was fun too….
We returned back to our Tents and Cottages and had a quick shower, had lunch
and started of with our respective rehearsals for the group activity.
Our Team selected – Sajjna Di Vaari vaari of Honey Moon Travels for our Group dance.
It’s a good catchy song with nice beats. We practiced for sometime and then were just chilling out exploring all the places and views …
We had some Bday celebrations and Award function, we gathered up on dance floor and the events began again.
After the award ceremony we started up with the group performances the entire group did well… Our team danced well I guess after 4 years I danced forgetting every other thing on earthJ
Had extreme fun dancing. we then had dinner and started off with dancing again . I was one among the ppl who danced the whole night … don’t ask me how I managed but I did….along with swathi my friend….
We did tribal dance J near the Bonfire later at midnyt …and then from then on I cudnt ..
was all tired so returned back to my tent….
Some ppl were still partying out…
The next day morning we all assembled again after breakfast for the announcement of the winning group.
The –Tremendous 12 group won in most of the games so they were the winners… and my Team won the “Triumphant Group” prize….. For the zeal and passion we showed by dancing all nyt J
We then set out and left the island in the ferry , the buses were waiting for us at the port and we took off to Blore . It was a good Funfilled trip.